hotstar Free Fast Times at Ridgemont High 1982 Movie Download In HD Quality

; 7,5 / 10; 86709 votes; Genre: Drama; 1982; creators: Cameron Crowe

⍟⍟✵⟱✹✵﹡❉✦≈☼♡♥✺↓❃ Fast Times at Ridgemont High




A fast-paced film with its share of laughs, Fast Times also takes time to sensitively handle many of the tough issues teens face. Abortion, trust, abandonment and sexual fears are all dealt with fairly and believably. An interesting snapshot into the world of teenagers- the great thing about this film is that it's not too stereotypically Californian. It could have been set anywhere in Canada or USA and still have been just as accurate. In addition, there are many scenes that will just have you doubled over with laughter- the carrot scene, as well as the interaction between rebel Sean Penn and angry are just fantastic.


I grew up in the 80's and I feel that this movie is just a Classic. I recently purchased it on DVD and have been extremely satisfied with it. The cast is great, with so many big names. The casting director did an excellent job. It's not unusual for me and my significant other to go to bed at night with the DVD on and fall asleep watching it, then wake up in the middle of the night to find myself playing it again. My DVD has probably had more plays than a rental one. It just puts me back into the 80's with the music and environment and so on. If you haven't seen this movie it's a MUST.





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